Операции над элементарными слагаемыми
В исходных текстах вычислительных процедур определим элементарное слагаемое в виде структуры:
{ for example case expansion with Bessel function } unit unalltyp ; { for different types for some case } interface const maxarr = 74967 ; // dimension of arrays numsel = 8 ; // selected elements but only 8 in use maxsel : array[1..numsel] of ShortInt = // maximum power ( 10 , // e in use 10 , // s=sin(i) in use 10 , // e' in use 10 , // s'=sin(i') in use 30 , // a semimajor axis in use 30 , // a' semimajor axis in use 8 , // n mean motion im use 8 ) ; // n' mean motion in us maxarg = 6 ; // number of arguments l g h l' g' h' type TDimSel = array[1..numsel] of ShortInt ; { for power of var. 8 bytes } TDimArg = array[1..maxarg] of ShortInt ; { for arguments 6 bytes } { elementary term has a form A amplitude numeric value *e^i_1*(sin i)^i_3 *e'^i_2*(sin i')^i_4 *a^i_5*a'^i_6 *cos(k_1*l+k_2*g+k_3*h+k_4*l'+k_5*g'+k_6*h') } TRowVar = record npa : Byte ; { the first planet 1 byte } npb : Byte ; { the second planet 1 byte } amp : Extended ; { amplitude simple } mec : TDimSel ; { power of variables 8 bytes } mar : TDimArg ; { coef. for argument 6 bytes } fcs : Char ; { function sin or cos 1 byte } end; type { for the array } TRowDim = array[1..maxarr] of TRowVar ; TOrdNum = array[0..27] of longint ; type { for the pointer to array } TRowPtr = ^TRowDim ; implementation end.
Определим также несколько динамических массивов и выделим для них место в оперативной памяти компьютера:
{ for global variables } unit unallvar ; interface uses unalltyp ; { for all types } var maxsum : ShortInt ;{ maximum for sum of powers } memrec : Word ; { size of record TRowVar UnAllTyp } recnul : TRowVar ; { for nullo record type from UnAllTyp } mecone : longint ; { number of terms in rowone array } mectwo : longint ; { number of terms in rowtwo array } mectre : longint ; { number of terms in rowtre array } mecfur : longint ; { number of terms in rowfur array } mecfiv : longint ; { number of terms in rowfiv array } mecsix : longint ; { number of terms in rowsix array } mecaux : longint ; { number of terms in rowaux array } mectmp : longint ; { number of terms in tempor array } meccoh : longint ; { number of terms in rowcoh array } rowone : TRowPtr ; { to the pointer for array unalltyp } rowtwo : TRowPtr ; { to the pointer for array } rowtre : TRowPtr ; { to the pointer for array } rowfur : TRowPtr ; { to the pointer for array } rowfiv : TRowPtr ; { to the pointer for array } rowsix : TRowPtr ; { to the pointer for array } rowaux : TRowPtr ; { to the pointer for array } rowtmp : TRowPtr ; { pointer for tempor array } rowcoh : TRowPtr ; { pointer for rowcoh array } implementation end. unit ungetmem ; { for dynamic memory } interface procedure GetRowMem ; procedure FreeRowMem ; implementation uses unalltyp , { for global types } unallvar ; { for global variables } procedure GetRowMem ; { array to heap by pointer } begin memrec:=SizeOf(TRowVar); GetMem(rowone,SizeOf(TRowDim)); GetMem(rowtwo,SizeOf(TRowDim)); GetMem(rowtre,SizeOf(TRowDim)); GetMem(rowfur,SizeOf(TRowDim)); GetMem(rowfiv,SizeOf(TRowDim)); GetMem(rowsix,SizeOf(TRowDim)); GetMem(rowaux,SizeOf(TRowDim)); GetMem(rowtmp,SizeOf(TRowDim)); GetMem(rowcoh,SizeOf(TRowDim)); end; procedure FreeRowMem ; { array to heap by pointer } begin FreeMem(rowcoh,SizeOf(TRowDim)); FreeMem(rowtmp,SizeOf(TRowDim)); FreeMem(rowaux,SizeOf(TRowDim)); FreeMem(rowsix,SizeOf(TRowDim)); FreeMem(rowfiv,SizeOf(TRowDim)); FreeMem(rowfur,SizeOf(TRowDim)); FreeMem(rowtre,SizeOf(TRowDim)); FreeMem(rowtwo,SizeOf(TRowDim)); FreeMem(rowone,SizeOf(TRowDim)); end; end.
Выполним присвоение начальных значений:
unit UnRowIni ; { for initial data for rows } interface procedure RecNullo ; { without planets numbers } procedure RowNullo ; { initial nullo for six arrays } procedure RowTreNul ; { initial nullo for rowtre^ rowaux^ } implementation uses UnAllTyp , { for type TRowVar var row one two tre aux coh } UnAllVar ; { for global variables } procedure RecNullo ; { without planets numbers } var j : Byte ; begin recnul.npa:=0; recnul.npb:=0; recnul.amp:=0.0; { amplitide nullo initial } for j:=1 to numsel do { numsel = 4 e s e' s' } recnul.mec[j]:=0; { for all power nullo } for j:=1 to maxarg do recnul.mar[j]:=0; { for all argument nullo } recnul.fcs:='C'; { let it be cosinus but nullo amplitude } end; procedure RowNullo ; { initial nullo for six arrays } var i : longint ; { simple count } begin mecone:=0; { initial nullo terms in six array } mectwo:=0; mectre:=0; mecfur:=0; { initial nullo terms in six array } mecfiv:=0; mecsix:=0; mecaux:=0; mectmp:=0; meccoh:=0; for i:=1 to maxarr do { const maxe from UnTypEcc } begin rowone^[i]:=recnul; rowtwo^[i]:=recnul; rowtre^[i]:=recnul; rowfur^[i]:=recnul; rowfiv^[i]:=recnul; rowsix^[i]:=recnul; rowaux^[i]:=recnul; rowtmp^[i]:=recnul; rowcoh^[i]:=recnul; end; end; procedure RowTreNul ; { initial nullo values for rowtre array } var i : longint ; { simple count } begin mectre:=0; mecaux:=0; for i:=1 to maxarr do { const maxe from UnTypEcc } begin rowtre^[i]:=recnul; rowaux^[i]:=recnul; end; end; end.
Для элементарных слагаемых опеределены операции сложения, умножения и приведения подобных членов:
unit UnRowMul ; { to multiply two rows result to rowtre } interface uses Windows , { for function GetTickCount } unalltyp ; { for global types } procedure AmpFactor ( c : Extended ; var a : extended ); // UnTypVar procedure AmplMults ( a , b : extended ; var c : extended ) ; // UnTypVar procedure AmplPower ( x : extended ; var y : extended ) ; { UnTypVar } function BooMaxSum ( a , b : TRowVar ) : Boolean ; procedure PowerParm ( a , b : TRowVar ; var c : TRowVar ) ; function BooComPair ( x , e : TRowVar ) : Boolean ; function BooCompare ( x , e : TRowVar ) : Boolean ; procedure ToPositiveA ( var x : TRowVar ) ; procedure ForSinOrCos ( x , y : TRowVar ; var a , b : extended ; var c : Char ) ; procedure ToMultRow ( ua , ub : TRowVar ) ; { simple records } procedure ForAmpNul ; { rowtre may has nullo amplitudes } procedure MultForRow ( am : Extended ) ; { am * rowone * rowtwo = rowtre } implementation uses UnAllVar , { for global variables } UnRowLow , { for procedure LowerAux } ungetida ; { for current date and time function strCurtida } procedure AmpFactor ( c : Extended ; var a : extended ); begin a:=c*a; { amplitude with the factor c } end; procedure AmplMults ( a , b : extended ; { two amplitudes } var c : extended ) ; { result amplitude } begin { to multiple two amplitudes } c:=a*b; { only amplitudes } end; { amplitude in power -1 : y = 1/x = x^(-1) } procedure AmplPower ( x : extended ; var y : extended ) ; begin if ( Abs(x) < 1.0e-15 ) { too small } then y:=0.0 { nullo simple } else y:=1.0/x; { +1/x coefficients } end; function BooMaxSum ( a , b : TRowVar ) : Boolean ; var m : ShortInt ; begin m:=a.mec[1]+b.mec[1]+a.mec[2]+b.mec[2] // e s +a.mec[3]+b.mec[3]+a.mec[4]+b.mec[4]; // e' s' if m > maxsum // const maxsum from UnTypVar then // sum of powers is too large BooMaxSum:=False // exit no term to row else BooMaxSum:=True; // there is our term end; procedure PowerParm ( a , b : TRowVar ; var c : TRowVar ) ; var // to analyse power of variables i : Byte ; begin c.npa:=a.npa; { only for selected pair } c.npb:=a.npb; { a.npa npb = b.npa npb } for i:=1 to numsel do { for each parameter numsel = 8 e s e' s' } c.mec[i]:=a.mec[i]+b.mec[i]; { to sum of two powers a a' n n' } end; function BooComPair ( x , e : TRowVar ) : Boolean ; begin BooComPair:= ( ( x.npa = e.npa ) and ( x.npb = e.npb ) ) ; end; function BooCompare ( x , e : TRowVar ) : Boolean ; var j : Byte ; b : Boolean ; begin b:= ( x.fcs = e.fcs ) ; { characters for functions 'C' or 'S' } if b then { to compare numbers for two planets } b:=BooComPair(x,e); j:=0; while ( b and ( j < numsel ) ) do begin j:=j+1; b:= ( x.mec[j] = e.mec[j] ) ; { the powers of variables } end; j:=0; while ( b and ( j < maxarg ) ) do begin j:=j+1; b:= ( x.mar[j] = e.mar[j] ) ; { the arguments of variables } end; BooCompare:=b; { true if it is similar term or false if it is not } end; procedure TheNextTerm ( x : TRowVar ) ; { to find similar if it exists } var m : longint ; b : Boolean ; e : TRowVar ; { current record for compare } begin { to find similar terms for current term in array rowtre^[mectre] } b:=False; m:=0; { nullo } while ( ( not b ) and ( m < mectre ) ) do begin m:=m+1; { to try the next term } e:=rowtre^[m]; { current record for compare } b:=BooCompare(x,e); end; if b { there is similar term } then { to sum only amplitudes } rowtre^[m].amp:=rowtre^[m].amp+x.amp else { there is no similar term in current array } begin { it is our new term in result array } if mectre = maxarr then Exit ; { too many terms } mectre:=mectre+1; rowtre^[mectre]:=x; end; end; procedure ToPositiveA ( var x : TRowVar ) ; var i,j : Byte ; begin { to positive for the first nonnullo argument } for j:=1 to maxarg do begin if x.mar[j] > 0 then Exit ; { well the argument is positive } if x.mar[j] < 0 { the argument may be negative } then begin for i:=j to maxarg do { to positive for the current argument } x.mar[i]:=-x.mar[i]; if x.fcs = 'S' { for sinus function minus for amplitude } then AmpFactor(-1.0,x.amp); // minus for amplitude Exit ; { well the argument is positive } end; end; end; procedure ForSinOrCos ( x , y : TRowVar ; var a , b : extended ; var c : Char ) ; begin { 2*cos(x)*sin(y) =-sin(x-y) + sin(x+y) } b:=a; { amlpitude may be minus } if x.fcs = y.fcs { 2*cos(x)*cos(y) = cos(x-y) + cos(x+y) } then { cos*cos or sin*sin } begin { +cos(x-y) } c:='C'; { cosinus function as result } if x.fcs = 'S' { sin*sin case } then { 2*sin(x)*sin(y) = cos(x-y) - cos(x+y) } AmpFactor(-1.0,b); { -cos(x+y) } end { 2*sin(x)*cos(y) = sin(x-y) + sin(x+y) } else { sin*cos or cos*sin } begin { +sin(x+y) } c:='S'; { sinus function as result } if x.fcs = 'C' { cos*sin case } then { 2*cos(x)*sin(y) =-sin(x-y) + sin(x+y) } AmpFactor(-1.0,a); { -sin(x-y) } end; end; procedure ToMultRow ( ua , ub : TRowVar ) ; { simple records } var { 2*cos(x)*cos(y) = cos(x-y) + cos(x+y) } j : Byte ; { 2*sin(x)*sin(y) = cos(x-y) - cos(x+y) } b : extended ; { 2*sin(x)*cos(y) = sin(x-y) + sin(x+y) } x : TRowVar ; { 2*cos(x)*sin(y) =-sin(x-y) + sin(x+y) } begin { from two record may be two new records } AmplMults(ua.amp,ub.amp,x.amp); { to multiply amplitudes } if ( ( Abs(x.amp) < 1.0e-19 ) { may be nearly nullo term } or ( not BooMaxSum(ua,ub) ) ) then Exit ; { sum of powers is too large } AmpFactor(0.5,x.amp); { factor 0.5 for amplitude } PowerParm(ua,ub,x); { to sum all powers } ForSinOrCos(ua,ub,x.amp,b,x.fcs); { amplitude function indentify } for j:=1 to maxarg do x.mar[j]:=ua.mar[j]-ub.mar[j]; { for the first all arguments minus } ToPositiveA(x); TheNextTerm(x); { for minus in argument x-y } x.amp:=b; { for plus in argument x+y } for j:=1 to maxarg do x.mar[j]:=ua.mar[j]+ub.mar[j]; { for the second all arguments plus } ToPositiveA(x); TheNextTerm(x); end; procedure ForAmpNul ; { rowtre may has nullo amplitudes } var m : longint ; begin mecaux:=0; for m:=1 to mectre do if ( Abs(rowtre^[m].amp) > 1.0e-17 ) then begin mecaux:=mecaux+1; { non nullo term } rowaux^[mecaux]:=rowtre^[m]; end; if mecaux < mectre then LowerAux(3) ; { rowaux to rowtre from UnRowLow } end; { to multiply two rows in arrays for current date and time there is function strCurtida of shortstring from ungetida } procedure MultForRow ( am : Extended ) ; { am * rowone * rowtwo = rowtre } var { with the factor am } ma,mb : longint ; ua,ub : TRowVar ; { type from UnTypVar } la,lb : longint ; { current time in millisecond } begin la:=GetTickCount ; { function from unit Windows in millisecond } for ma:=1 to mecone do begin ua:=rowone^[ma]; { current record from the first row } AmpFactor(am,ua.amp); { to multiply by amplitude } for mb:=1 to mectwo do begin ub:=rowtwo^[mb]; { current record from the second row } if ( ( ua.npa = ub.npa ) and ( ua.npb = ub.npb ) ) then { result to rowtre with the count mectre } ToMultRow(ua,ub); { only pair numbers na nb } lb:=GetTickCount ; { current time value in millisecond } if ( (lb-la) > 30000 ) then { too long interval } begin { in millisecond } writeln(' ',ma,' * ',mb,' = ',mectre,' term by term'); la:=lb; { to replace the moment } end; end; end; ForAmpNul ; { in current array rowtre may be nullo amplitude } WriteLn('to multiply ', mecone,' terms * ',mectwo,' terms = ',mectre,' terms', ' power = ',maxsum); end; end.
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